This is the day tha tthe Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Salmon Falls Prims

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer breeze makes me feel fine ~


play time bubbles Summer Thyme America Children at Play balloons puppies sparklers bicycles dolls kitties swings tea parties forts marbles tree house green grass jump rope picnics beach flowers swimming jacks lakes pin wheels balls watermelon books baseball lemonade garden birds stickers naps story time sprinklers beach balls playground follow the leader paper dolls trucks coloring balloons swings tea parties story time  water balloons  kites  fireworks





These are a few prints that I have for sale in my etsy~

"Mine is the Month of Roses; yes, and mine
The Month of Marriages! All pleasant sights
And scents, the fragrance of the blossoming vine,
The foliage of the valleys and the heights.
Mine are the longest days, the loveliest nights;
The mower's scythe makes music to my ear;
I am the mother of all dear delights;
I am the fairest daughter of the year."
-  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Summer thyme~ Things get busy

Here are a few things that we have been up to~


Happy Anniversary to my daughter and son-in-law this week~




Kindergarten graduation for this little tiny thing! She was born a little early and has always been very petite. She is far ahead in her studies already though, as she is reading at 2nd grade level. Reading is so important at a young age! We have been digging out some of the books that my children used to read to share with all of the grandchildren .It is so much fun to watch them learn.

Layla's grad1

She is still a little peanut~ but so beautiful!


Layla's grad


Another birthday celebration this week!


This little guy is now a quarter of a century!! How did that happen??!!! I can’t possibly be that old already??? !!!!! Can I???!!!!


adorable couple!!!

Pool Party ~Birthday Party for him  tomorrow. The temperature is supposed to be 111 ! Yikes!


There has been lots of craziness in the news lately!  I am trying to stay positive.



I will leave you with a positive quote~

Encouragement is awesome. It has the capacity to lift a man’s or woman’s shoulders.... To breathe fresh fire into the fading embers of a smoldering dream. To actually change the course of another human being’s day, week, or life.
- Charles Swindoll




  1. What wonderful family photos and memories! I love the quote you ended with ! Blessings my friend!

  2. Wow...what a week of celebration! Happy birthday, anniversary, and graduation to everyone! :) Your K graduate is such a cutie!

    Love your Etsy goodies. I need to plan a purchase from there in my budget because I see lots I LOVE!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer, Sara!

